Project Funding, Simplified and Decentralized
Funding Pool
0.00 CELO
Total Funds received by projects in voting rounds
Any user can seek funds for their project by listing it on the AnbeShivam Platform. To add a project, the user must upload a pitch and stake a small amount (currently 2 CELO). This is to avoid spam projects. The community can then vote for projects, where a single vote costs a minimum amount of 2 CELO. Voters are also eligible to receive $GODS tokens in return, equivalent to the amount they've invested in the projects on the AnbeShivam platform. The funds garnered in this way will be sent to the project creator, who can withdraw the amount and the project from the voting round at any point of time. Their stake is also returned when the project is withdrawn.
The Matching Pool consists of funds donated by grants programs and sponsors. Each project listed on the platform will be matched an amount from this pool, using a Quadratic Funding Algorithm. This is done to democratize the funding process, where the number of voters will play a bigger role than the the funds received in determining the matched funds.
Matching Pool
0.00 CELO
Matching Funds pool for projects, from grants programs and sponsors